A downloadable TTRPG

Mutant Maelstrom is a fast-paced and frantic tabletop roleplaying game (TTRPG) that throws you into the middle of the hottest summer ever recorded, thanks to corporate greed and the complete disregard for the threat of climate change. The year is 2077 and Babylon Inc. owns EVERYTHING, even YOU! As both profits and civil unrest continue to rise, a new product is released to try and subdue the masses.

Feeling tired after your 10-hour shift, every day, of every week, of every month, of every year? Try RAD ACTIVE! The brand new energy drink by Babylon Inc.! RAD ACTIVE has everything you need to keep you energized and productive because only communists and criminals need rest! Be a hero, not a zero, and grab your ice-cold can of RAD ACTIVE today!

What Babylon Inc. didn’t share is that RAD ACTIVE’s main secret ingredient is Muto Gen X, which has turned nearly everyone who drinks it into mindless mutated abominations. As the corporate overlords struggle to do damage control, the people have had enough! Fighting through the masses of mutants and corporate bootlickers, it’s up to you, and maybe even a group of friends, to BEAT THE RICH!

During your journey, you’ll be presented with the choice to fight fire with fire, finding special cans of RAD ACTIVE that will alter your body and mind, providing you with astounding new abilities at the gradual cost of your humanity. How far are you willing to go to dismantle the system?


Mutant Maelstrom TTRPG PDF 1.1 MB

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